Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) and philanthropist Tom Iovino have launched Impact Prize, a $1 million fund for nonprofits that provide workforce development and technical training programs to support career advancement for skilled laborers.
Interested organizations can now file their application through May 24. RPA and the Iovino Family Foundation will distribute a total of $1 million to up to three organizations. To be eligible for the prize, organizations must be a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit and have an annual operating budget of less than $5 million for at least two of the past four fiscal years.
“We are excited to be on this journey and break new ground with Tom and the Iovino Team,” said Greg Ratliff, senior vice president of advisory services at RPA. “Addressing the gaps in education and skills training in the U.S. is a pivotal step in bridging inequality and reducing the barriers to social mobility that are so ingrained in today's economy.”