Susie Cranston, president and COO of Cresset, discusses the key elements of centered leadership, imposter syndrome and how women can become more authentic leaders.
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Chitra Stern, CEO of Martinhal Family Hotels & Resorts, shares her entrepreneurial journey, the evolution of Martinhal and her commitment to philanthropy.
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In fine wines, innovation often comes from a respect for tradition. Yet, Travis Braithwaite is pushing boundaries with Pangaea, a multicontinent wine crafted with legendary consultant Michel Rolland.
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Kirby Rosplock, an author and founder of the family office learning platform Tamarind Learning, discusses how advisers and families can work together to build optimal learning environments for inheritors of wealth.
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Entrepreneur, investor, and philanthropist — Mark Gerson, co-founder and chair of 3i Members, has embraced all these roles.
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Mohamed Elzomor — a co-founder of Nines, a household and estate management platform — explains how his company addresses the challenges of the “wealth spiral” and explores best practices for managing household risks.